Thursday, July 05, 2007

Summer time!

I won't even start apologizing - because it's been so ridiculously long since I've updated this blog last time, it'd be useless. Because - being honest - I don't even think anyone even comes here anymore. I know I don't ;) ... which is kinda obvious. ;)

Well, here I am, again! It can be partly due to the fact that I'm actually on my summer vacation at the moment, and I basically have so much time in my hands that I almost don't know what to do with it.
Naah, just kidding - I get my time to fly pretty easily by doing NOTHING. And that's something I believe you're meant to do when you're on vacation, eh?!

Anyhow, back to this blog. It's been kinda bothering me for quite some time now: there's the fact that I haven't really managed to update it as often as I feel I should, which really makes me feel bad. I also tend to write too graphically on things I've been up to - without really thinking whether any of that interests anyone (not, I recon). So, now I thought just to write here some things I've done, maybe, and then what's going on in this small head of mine (ya, small??).

I got home from Bulgaria early on wednesday morning: I spent a week there visiting my friend who's working for a Finnish travel agency Finnmatkat there. While majority of Finns were stuck with "luvly" finnish summer weather Finland offered last week (+12 and pouring rain, mostly) I had the luxury of enjoying Bulgarian heat: +30-45 and cloudless skies every day!
Here's some pics from my trip:
Wild turtle in Ropotamo river
Pauliina and I in local bus from Tzarevo to Primorsko
My toes on Lozenez beach
Black sea and I

Now, that I'm back from my Bulgarian excursion I'll concentrate on Finnish summer. Olli will start his vacation tomorrow, and we'll head straight away up to Jyväskylä to see my family. On monday we'll head to our summer city 2007 = Turku, and we'll spend two nights there.
Latter week of our 2 week vacation will be spent in traditional finnish way: in cottages by eating, sleeping and sauna-going. First we'll go to my family's cottage in Ruovesi and then in mid-week we switch to Olli's granpa's cottage in Hämeenkyrö. The holiday-weeks are ended with a traditional summer-party in Hämeenkyrö with Olli's student board collegues of 2004.

On July 23rd I go back to work - and the next blink of light (=holiday) is as far as Christmas... (actually I'm going to Frankfurt in October, so I may be exaggerating just a tiny bit there... oh well, some self-pity has never hurt anyone, eh? ;))
