Monday, March 19, 2007

Too long...

I'm so sorry!!!

It's been A-G-E-S since my last update... well, I have been busy at work, in school, with Olli and of course partying just a tiny bit.

Work. It was busy as H**L for the first 6 weeks of the year. Then, suddenly, it just slowed down. For a while I felt almost useless - until it perked up again just last week. Phuuuuuusk. Now it's busyBUSYbusy again - planning campaigns, buying media space, negotiating with medias, updating our databases and so on and so forth.
So, ya, busy. That it is.

School. I'm actually trying to take it easy this spring, as I'm only taking two online-courses. But what a fraud! I've been sitting in the office - hussling for these S-T-U-P-I-D, meaningless courses after office hours wearing myself out. Then, when I finally get to go home, I walk like a zombie or smthg. At home, I just hit the couch and turn into a vegetable.

Thus, no blogging. (excuse part 1).

Olli. We're doing GREAT! The only trouble is the distance: he's in Tampere, I'm in Helsinki. For weekends we travel. Luckily, next weekend we'll both be on the road - or actually in the air, as we're heading to Copenhagen. To see Damien Rice! :) I also have a mission to find a dress for my sisters wedding there.

Parties are still the same. Some drinks, some very bad jokes, some music and movement someone could call dancing. I wouldn't though. At least when I'm sober. ;)

Ok, gettin' somewhat tired again. And having a headache.
Julia is coming to town, though! In three weeks! Jaiks! Who's next?? :)